Joints and Ligaments of the pelvis

Joints and Ligaments-

 There are four pelvic joints: 

1- One symphysis pubic. 

2- Two Sacroiliac joints. 

3- One Sacrococcygeal joint.  

The Symphysis pubis - is formed at the junction of the two pubic bones which are united by a pad of cartilage.  

The Sacroiliac joints- are the strongest joints in the body. they joint the sacrum to the Ilium and thus connect the spine to the pelvis. 

The Sacrococcygeal joint-is formed where the base of the coccyx articulates with the tip of the sacrum. 

In the non-pregnant state there is very little movement in these joints, but during pregnancy endocrine activity cause the ligaments to soften, which allows the joints to give. 

The Ligaments- 

1-Sacroiliac ligament -The ligaments pass in front of the and behind each sacroiliac joint.

2-Sacrospinous ligament - It is the ligaments that connects the ischial spine to the lateral surface of the sacrum and coccyx.

3-Sacrotuberous ligament -It is the ligaments that connects the ischial tuberosity to the lateral surface of the sacrum and coccyx.

4-Symphysis pubis ligament -Ligaments are used to bridge spaces in the walls of the pelvis.

5-Sacrococcygeal ligament -it is the ligament that connects sacrum to the coccyx.
