Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board Nursing Officer-2019

Delhi Subordinate  Services Selection Board Nursing Officer-2019

Q.1 Ninety five percent of foetal presentation  are-

  1.  Leg
  2.  Breech 
  3.  Shoulder
  4.  Cephalic

Ans- Cephalic

  • Rational-The frequency of various presentations and positions of the fetus in individual gestational weeks in the third trimester was examined in 1137 pregnant women based on 1785 ultrasonic findings. Cephalic presentation at 28 weeks was observed in 62% cases and at the end of pregnancy in 95%. Breech presentation decreased from 29% to 4% before delivery, and transverse presentation was 10 times less frequent at delivery than at the beginning of the third trimester.

Q. 2 The chi- square test is a-

  1.  Parametric test
  2.   Frequency test
  3.  Nonparametric test
  4. Descriptive test

Ans- Nonparametric tes

  • Rational-Chi-square is an important non-parametric test and as such no rigid assumptions are necessary in respect of the type of population. We require only the degrees of freedom (implicitly of course the size of the sample) for using this test.

 Q. 3 The protozoa causing sexually transmitted disease is-

  1.  Herpes simplex virus
  2.   Chlamydia
  3.  Gonococcus
  4.  Trichomonas

Ans- Trichomonas

 Q. 4 The structure that stores genetic information is the-

  1.  tRNA1
  2. RNA
  3. DNA
  4. mRNA


  • Rational-DNA, also known as Deoxyribonucleic acid is the blueprint of life – meaning it stores all information that makes up any living organism. But, how does DNA store genetic information? James Watson and Francis Crick discovered the structure of DNA – two (polynucleotide) strands intertwined in a double helix –in the year 1953.

Q.  5 The two most frequently use significances  level are referred to as-

  1. Delta
  2. Beta
  3. Gamma
  4. Alpha


Q. 6 HIV is Not transmitted by-

  1.  Intercourse
  2. Sharing drug needles
  3. Blood transfusion
  4. Shaking hands

Ans-Shaking hands

Q. 7 During delivery, placental expulsions' comes under-

  1. Stage 11
  2. Stage III
  3. Stage I
  4. Stage IV

Ans-Stage III

  • Rational-Placental expulsion (also called afterbirth) occurs when the placenta comes out of the birth canal after childbirth. The period from just after the baby is expelled until just after the placenta is expelled is called the third stage of labor.

Q. 8 The presence of endometrial tissue outside the normal uterine cavity is called-

  1. Amenorrhoea
  2. Menorrhagia
  3. Endometriosis
  4. Menarche


Q. 9 Which of the following is a hormonal contraceptive-

  1.  Cervical cap
  2.  Condoms
  3.  Vasectomy
  4.  Oral Contraceptive

Ans-Oral Contraceptive

Q.10 Wharton's jelly is found in the-

  1. Stomach
  2. Heart
  3. Lungs
  4. Umbilical cord 

Ans-Umbilical cord 

Q. 11 The mineral content in the bone can be calculated by-

  1.  spectrometers'
  2. Ultrasound
  3. Dual energy X-ray  absorptiometry
  4.  X-ray

Ans-Dual energy X-ray  absorptiometry

Q.12 Which of the following is a techniqaue of supervision-

  1.   Values
  2.  Emotion
  3.  Reassurance
  4. Perceptions


Q.13 The Japanese have adapted the principal of human relationship theory which is also commonly known as-

  1. Theory B
  2. Theory Y
  3. Theory Z
  4. Theory A

Ans-Theory Z

  • Rational-The Japanese management style is often referred to as “Theory Z” developed by Dr. William Ouchi . This theory explains a working culture inside the company which reflects the Japanese culture in a way that employees can become more responsible, and capable of working on many different tasks.

Q.14 Plato is known as the Father of-

  1. Pragmatism
  2.  Naturalism
  3.  Realism
  4. Idealism


  • Rational-Plato is known as the Father ofHe is known as the father of idealism in philosophy. His ideas were elitist, with the philosopher king the ideal ruler. Plato is perhaps best known to college students for his parable of a cave, which appears in Plato's Republic.

Q.15 Trophoblasts form the-

  1.  Ovum
  2.  Placenta
  3.  Embryo
  4. Amnion


  • Rational-Trophoblasts (from Greek trephein: to feed; and blastos: germinator) are cells forming the outer layer of a blastocyst, which provide nutrients to the embryo and develop into a large part of the placenta. They are formed during the first stage of pregnancy and are the first cells to differentiate from the fertilized egg.

Q.16 During pregnancy foetal movement's  begin between-

  1. 4-8 weeks
  2. 16-20 weeks
  3. 1-4 weeks
  4. 10- 12 weeks

Ans-16-20 weeks

Q. 17 The type of pelvis most favourable for normal vaginal delivery is-

  1.  Anthropoid pelvis
  2. Android pelvis
  3. Gyanecoid pelvis
  4. Platypelloid pelvis

Ans-Gyanecoid pelvis

Q.18 Astatement of the researcher's  expectation about relationships between the variable under investigation is-

  1. Research question
  2. Objective
  3. Hypothesis
  4. Research design


Q-19 Burning of Coal, oil and other fules in houses and in factories is called-

  1. Conduction
  2. Combustion
  3. Radiation
  4. Convention


Q. 20 The small intestine does Not involve the-

  1. Caecum
  2. Ileum
  3. Duodenum
  4.  Jejunum


