Health and Determinants of Health
According to the World Health Organization, health is “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”
"A series of successful and continuous adaptation to a continuously changing environment"
Determinants of Health/Factors Influencing Health
Determinants of health are a range of factors that influence the health status of individuals or populations. At every stage of life, health is determined by complex interactions between social and economic factors, the physical environment and individual behaviour.
Health of individual and communities are due to many interactions. the important determinants are-
- Heredity
- Environment
- Lifestyle
- Socio-economic condition
- Health and Family Welfare services
- Others factors
- Diet
- Hygiene
- Habits
- Gender
A. Heredity/Human Biology-
The genetic material transferred from one generation to next generation or from parents to children.
Health i.e., physical and mental health is determined to a large extent by genetic make up. There are a number of diseases of genetic origin. The state of health, therefore depends partly on the genetic constitution of man.
B. Environment
The environment can also nourish wellness. Environmental pollutants are a common cause of illness. The environment has a direct impact on the physical, mental and social well-being. The environmental factors range from housing, water supply, psychological stress, clean air, healthy work places, family system and social welfare services in the community.
C. Lifestyle
Life style denotes the way people live, reflecting a whole range of social values, attitudes and activities. Lifestyles are learnt through social interaction with parents, peer, groups, friends and siblings and through school and mass media.
Risk for illness and death are related with life styles such as lack of sanitation, poor nutrition, personal hygiene, elementary human habits, customs and cultural patterns. Certain life styles like adequate nutrition, enough sleep, sufficient physical activity to promote health.
D. Socio-economic condition
Socio economic conditions influence human health. Health status is primarily determined by the level of socio-economic development like per capita income, political system, economy etc. The important socio-economic factors are-
a. Economic Status
The per capita income is accepted measure of socio-economic performance. The socio-economic development has a major role in reducing morbidity, increasing life expectancy and improving quality of life. Socio-economic status determines the purchasing power, quality of life, standard of life, family size and pattern of disease and deviant behaviour in the community.
b. Education:
Education is an important factor affecting health. Lack of education closely coincides with ill health, high IMR, malnutrition etc. Education compensates the effects of poverty on health irrespective of availability of health facilities.
c. Occupation:
Occupation promotes health and unemployment shows higher incidence of ill health and death. Loss of work means loss of income and status resulting in psychological and social damage.
d. Political System:
Health is related to country's political system as it can affect the implementation of health technologies. Political system shapes the community health services or decisions concerning resource allocation, manpower policy, choice of technology and the degree to which health services are made available and accessible to different segments of society. For example, adoption of policies related to gender equalities is a political issue.
E. Health service
Access and use of services that prevent and treat disease influences health. Health service is service available to community for treatment of diseases, prevention of illness and promotion of health.
F. Others factors
There are other factors such as culture, language, dietary pattern, hygienic status, health habits that contribute to the determination of health of a community.
1. Language: Difference in language may create barriers to communication where Verbal communication is difficult, non-verbal communication becomes an important aspect of interaction.
2. Diet: Many cultures, religious beliefs put limitations on diet and food preparation and prohibition of some foods. In some cultures there is requirement to fast at certain times which can have an effect on health.
3. Hygiene: Healthy hygiene practices such as daily bath, washing of hands after defecation, using right hand for eating food and left for washing, aids for maintenance of positive health
4. Habits:
a. Smoking- Smoking causes death and considerable impairment to quality of life for those suffering from smoking related diseases. Cost of smoking is very high and harmful. There are higher incidences of lung cancers, LBW babies, miscarriages, pregnancy complications, respiratory tract infections etc.
b. Alcohol- Drinking too much or even drinking a small amount at the wrong time can lead tragedy and ill health. Alcohol leads to impairment of physical, psychological and social functioning.
5. Gender - Many diseases occur more commonly it one gender than other. for eg - Osteoporosis and breast cancer are more common in women. Bladder cancer and colour blindness are more common in men.