NURSING FOUNDATIONS I & II B Sc Nursing- II Semester Main Examination June-2024

29-06-2024             B.Sc. Nursing- II Semester (Main) Examination June-2024                                                                        5012

  Rajasthan University of Health Sciences   


Instructions to the candidates

  1. Do not write anything on question paper except Roll Number, otherwise it shall be deemed as an act of indulging in unfair means and action shall be taken as per rules.
  2. Use separate answer book for each section.

       Total Marks: 75                                                                                                                                                           Duration: 3 Hours


1. Long/Essay type questions (Attempt any Two):                                                                                                      2 x 15=30

  1. Describe the purpose and process of health assessment. Explain techniques of physical assessment.
  2. Explain the principles and routes of drug administration. Describe procedure of I.V. injection.
  3. Describe the nature, types and stages of infection. Discuss health care associated infections (Nosocomial infection).

2. Short notes (Attempt any five):                                                                                                                              5x5=25

  1. Level of prevention
  2. Nursing as a profession
  3. Communication process
  4. Nursing interventions for impaired body alignment and mobility
  5. Care of dying patient
  6. Care of pressure points

3. Very short questions (Attempt any five):                                                                                                                 5x2=10

  1. Cold applications
  2. Oxygen administration
  3. Types of bandages
  4. Therapeutic positions
  5. Hand hygiene
  6. Types of records

4. Answer the following MCQ:                                                                                                                                     5x1=5

1) Method of injection by which drug & fluid directly introduced into bone marrow is known as:

  1. Intramuscular
  2. Intraosseous
  3. Intraspinal
  4. Hypodermal

ii) Appropriate technique to assess the skin for temperature and moisture is:

  1. Auscultation
  2. Inspection
  3. Palpation
  4. Percussion

iii) Which of the following scale is used to assess the level of consciousness:

  1. Glasgow scale
  2. Bhore scale
  3. Robert Scale
  4. None of the above

iv) The condition In which the urine not expelled from the bladder is known as:

  1. Retention of urine
  2. Incontinence of urine
  3. Micturition
  4. Suppression

v) Prolonged suctioning of the tracheostomy may cause:

  1. Anorexia
  2. Nausea and vomiting
  3. Hypoxia and cardiac arrest
  4. Myocarditis and endocarditis

5. Answer the following MCQ:                                                                                                                                           5x1=5

1) Visualization of the abdominal organ through the abdominal wall is known as:

  1. Gastroscopy
  2. Laprotomy
  3. Laproscopy
  4. Gastrectomy

ii) Most suitable position for lumber puncture is:

  1. Prone position
  2. Supine position
  3. 'L' shaped
  4. 'C' shaped

iii) During ABG analysis blood is collected from:

  1. Capillary
  2. Vein
  3. Artery
  4. It can be taken from any site

iv) Diet recommended for peptic ulcer patient is:

  1. Soft diet
  2. Blend diet
  3. Liquid diet
  4. Normal diet

v) The purpose of the enema is:

  1. To give medication
  2. To relieve constipation
  3. To prepare for colonoscopy
  4. All of the above
