B.Sc. Nursing1 Semester Main Examination July 2024 APPLIED SOCIOLOGY AND APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY
01-03-2024 B.Sc. Nursing-1 Semester (Main) Examination July-2024
Instructions to the candidates:
- Do not write anything on question paper except Roll Number, otherwise it shall be deemed as an act of indulging in unfair means and action shall be taken as per rules.
- Use separate answer book for each section.
Dersion 3 Hours Total Marks: 75
Section-A (Applied Sociology)
1. Long/Essay type questions (Attempt any one):
- Define 'Social Control. Explain various methods of social control.
- Describe population explosion and write down its causes, effects and control measures.
2. Short notes (Attempt any three): 3x5=15
- Application of sociology in nursing.
- Causes of social disorganization.
- Social factors of health.
- Characteristics of society.
3. Very short questions (Attempt any three): 3x2=6
- Acculturation
- Polygamy
- Folkways
- Any four types of marriage
4. Answer the following MCQ 6x1=6
A. Social change means:
- Change in social relationship
- Change in social process
- Change in structure of society
- All of the above
B. Social environment means:
- Social customs
- Social behaviour
- Social conduct
- All
C. Which of the following is a dissociative social process?
- Competition
- Co-operation
- Assimilation
- integration
D. Family is a:
- Economic group
- Political group
- Religious group
- Kinship group
E. An association is characterized by:
- Customs
- Norms
- Mores
- Habits
F. Competition is a:
- Mental process
- Political process
- Economic group
- Social process
Section-B (Applied Psychology)
1. Long/Essay type questions (Attempt any one): 1 x 10=10
- Define Psychology. Describe various branches and scope of psychology.
- Describe the types and theories of motivation.
2. Short notes (Attempt any three): 3x5=15
- Classification of personality.
- Body mind relationship.
- Warning signs of mental health.
- Psychological needs of infant.
3. Very short questions (Attempt any three): 3x2=6
- Define attitude.
- Scope of Psychology.
- Types of attention.
- Role of nurse in psychological assessment.
4. Answer the following MCQ: 7x1=7
A. It deals with the function of behaviour on how a person adapts to its environment:
- Functionalism
- Behaviourism
- Gestalt
- Structuralism
B. Study of social stability and order:
- Social dynamics
- Social statics
- Positivism
- Rationalization
C. Which behaviour provide evidence for memory in humans?
- Recognition
- Familiarity
- Recall
- All of the above
D. A child proceeds from infancy to:
- Childhood
- Neo- adolescence
- Adolescence
- Maturation
E. A mixed nerve possesses fibres of:
- Sensory neurons
- Motor neurons
- Both (a) and (b)
- None of these
F. Junction between two neurons is called:
- Neural Tube
- Synapse
- Axon
- Dendrites
G. Psychoanalysis was founded by:
- John B Watson
- Max Werthernier
- James R Angell
- Sigmund Freud