Anatomy and Physiological(Part-I) Examination, April-2023

B.Sc. Nursing (Part-I) Examination, April-2023


Paper-I (Section A) Maximum Marks: 40

Q.1  Classify the nervous system. Describe gross anatomy of brain and spinal cord.                      = 12

Q.2. Describe in brief of the following (Any two):                                                                        2x6= 12

  1. Types of tissues
  2. Gross anatomy of heart
  3. Types of joints

Q.3. Write short notes on (Any three):                                                                                          3x4= 12

  1. Muscle of respiration
  2. Anatomy of nephron
  3. Structure of liver
  4. Blood and its components

Q.4. Write short notes on:                                                                                                            4 x 4 = 16

  1. Structure of heart
  2. Thyroid gland
  3. Immunity
  4. Structure of eye



PHYSIOLOGY (Section -B) Maximum Marks: 40

Q.1. Define blood pressure. Explain factors affecting blood pressure. Describe lymphatic circulation.       =12

Q.2. Define respiration. Describe the physiology of respiration with labelled diagrams.                             =12

Q.3. Describe in brief the following:                                                                                                       2x6= 12

  1. Mechanism of hearing
  2. Conduction system of heart

Q.4. Write short notes on (Any four):                                                                                                    4 x 4 = 16        

  1. Menstrual cycle
  2. Digestion of carbohydrate
  3. Formation of urine
  4. Pituitary gland and its functions
  5. Bone healing
