Anotomy and physiology (Part-1) Examination April - 2022

 B.Sc. Nursing (Part-1) Examination, April - 2022


Paper-1 (Section A) Maximum Marks: 40

Q.1. Describe of the following (Any three):                                            3x4=12

  1. Classification and structure of joints
  2. Hypothalamus
  3. Kidney
  4. Cranial nerves

Q.2. Write short notes on (Any three):                                                     3x4=12

  1. Structure of heart
  2. Adrenal glad
  3. Cerebrospinal fluid (C.S.F.)
  4. Gallbladder

Q.3. Write short notes on:                                                                         3x4=12

  1. Trachea
  2. Tongue
  3. Ear ossicles
  4. Structure of skin

Q.4. Write short notes on:                                                                         4x4=16

  1. Spleen
  2. Liver
  3. Female reproductive organs
  4. Deltoid muscle

PHYSIOLOGY (Section - B) Maximum Marks: 40

Q.1. Write in detail the regulation of respiration. Define tidal volume and vital capacity.               =12

Q.2. Write in detail about the following:                                                                                     4x4=12

  1. Classification & functions of leukocytes
  2. Glomerular filtration (GFR)
  3. Normal electrocardiogram (ECG)
  4. Digestion in stomach

Q.3. Define cardiac output. Discuss the factors regulating stroke volume. What is cardiac index?  =12

Q.4. Write short notes on:                                                                                                              4x4 =16

  1. Functions of saliva
  2. Types of blood group
  3. Cell membrane functions
  4. Renin angiotensin system
