Anotomy and physiology (Part-I) Examination, April-2021

B.Sc. Nursing (Part-I) Examination, April-2021


Paper-1 (Section A) Maximum Marks: 40

Q.1. Enumerate the organs of nervous system. Discuss the gross anatomy of brain and its blood supply.            =12

Q.2. Write short notes on (Any three):                                                                                                                 3×4=12

  1. Types of tissues
  2. Neurons
  3. Facial bones
  4. Thymus gland

Q 3. Enumerate the organs of digestive system. Explain the gross and microscopic anatomy of small intestine.       =12

Q.4. Write short notes on (Any four) of the following:                                                                                              4×4=16

  1. Inner ear
  2. Intercostal muscles
  3. Name two types of biaxial and Multiaxial joints
  4. Blood and nerve supply of kidney
  5. Juxtaglomerular apparatus

PHYSIOLOGY (Section -B) Maximum Marks: 40

Q.1. Define respiration. Enlist respiratory volume and explain pulmonary ventilation.                                                      =12

Q.2. Write short notes on (Any four):                                                                                                                             4×3=12

  1. Spermatogenesis
  2. Reflex ARC
  3. Function of pancreas
  4. Composition of urine
  5. Biofeed back


Q.3. Discuss the mechanisms of urine formation.                                                                                                                     =12

Q.4. Discuss in brief (Any four)                                                                                                                                             4×4=16

  1. Function of cranial nerve
  2. Bone healing
  3. Digestion in stomach
  4. Types of immune response
  5. Blood coagulation factors



