Anatomy and physiology Examination, November-2019
B.Sc. Nursing (Part-1) Examination, November-2019
Paper-1 (Section A) Maximum Marks: 40
Q.1. Describe of the following (Any three): 3×4=12
- Ovary
- Synovial joint
- Femur
- Hypothalamus
Q.2. Write short notes on (Any three): 3×4=12
(a) Connective tissue
(b) Structure of heart
(c) Thyroid gland
(d) Stomach
Q.3. Write in short about: 4x3=12
- Histology of liver
- Muscles of eye
- Lymphatic flow
- Urinary bladder
Q.4. Write short notes on: 4x4=16
- Structure of skin
- Spleen
- Cranial nerves
- Ear
PHYSIOLOGY (Section-B) Maximum Marks: 40
Q.1. Define immunity and its types. Explain formation of T-cells and B-cells lymphocytes. =12
Q.2. Write in detail about: 4x3=12
- Digestion in stomach
- Mitosis-cell division
- Functions of ovary
- Mechanism of sense of smell
Q.3. Discuss cardiac cycle and factors influencing BP and pulse. =12
Q.4. Write short notes on: 4x4=16
- Mechanism of bone formation
- Tissue repair
- Mechanism of muscle contraction
- Reflex action