RUHS B.Sc. Nursing Anotomy and Physiology Examination November-2018

B.Sc. Nursing (Part-1) Examination, November-2018


Paper-1 (Section A) Maximum Marks: 40

Q.1. Describe gross anatomy of brain and spinal cord.                                                                                   =12

Q.2. Enlist the organs and accessory organs of digestive system. Describe structure of liver in detail.           =12

Q.3. Write short notes on (Any three):                                                                                                         3x4=12

  1. Types of joints
  2. Structure of breast
  3. Muscles of respiration
  4. Gross anatomy of heart

Q.4. Write short notes on (Any four):                                                                                                            4x4=16

  1. Skin
  2. Spleen
  3. Kidney
  4. Tissues
  5. Pancreas

PHYSIOLOGY (Section-B) Maximum Marks: 40

Q.1. Define respiration. Describe physiology of respiration in detail.                                                                       =12

Q.2. Describe blood under following heads:                                                                                                       3x4=12

  1. Composition of blood
  2. Blood groups
  3. Precess of blood coagulation

Q.3. Write short notes on (Any three):                                                                                                                3x4=12

  1. Immunity
  2. Spermatogenesis
  3. Cardiac cycle
  4. Cerebrospinal fluid

Q.4. Write short notes on (Any four):                                                                                                                   4x4=16

  1. Functions of cranial nerves
  2. Functions of pituitary gland
  3. Mechanism of urine formation
  4. Physiology of muscle contraction
  5. Regulation of body temperature



