NURSING FOUNDATIONS B.Sc. Nursing Part-1 (Supp) Examination November 2024
B.Sc. Nursing (Pt.-1) 5130
B.Sc. Nursing Part-1 (Supp.) Examination
Time: Three Hours
Maximum Marks: 80
Attempt any FIVE questions.
(All questions carry equal marks.)
- Define oxygen administration. 02
- list the indications and contraindications of oxygen administration. 04
- Discuss the methods, principles and nursing responsibilities of oxygen administration. 10
Q. 2.
- What are the purposes of administration of medication? 03
- Enumerate the rights of drug administration. 05
- Write down the routes and nurses role in administration of medication. 08
Q. 3. Explain the nursing responsibilities for the following:
- Admission of patient. 05
- Checking vital signs. 05
- Care of dying patient. 06
Q. 4.
- Define hyperthermia. 02
- Explain the causes and stages of hyperthermia. 06
- Write in detail about the nursing care of patient with hyperthermia. 08
Q. 5. Write short notes on (Any four): 4X4=16
- Code of ethics.
- Surgical asepsis.
- Prevention of nosocomial infection.
- Factors influencing communication.
- Peplau's theory.
6. Write short notes on (Any four): 4X4=16
- Methods of physical examination.
- Levels of disease prevention.
- Care of rubber articles.
- Types of records and reports