B.Sc. Nursing Part-I (Supp.) Examination November-2024 PSYCHOLOGY
6-12-2024 5140
B.Sc. Nursing (Pt.-1)
B.Sc. Nursing Part-I (Supp.) Examination
Time: Three Hours
Maximum Marks: 80
Attempt any FIVE questions.
(All questions carry equal marks.)
Q. 1
- Define psychology. 03
- Explain scope of psychology. 05
- Enlist the various methods of psychology and explain the experimental method. 08
Q. 2. Write short notes on (Any two): 2x8=16
a) Describe the body-mind relationship.
b) Discuss the psychoanalytic theory of personality.
c) Explain biological and psychological motives briefly.
Q. 3.
- Define motivation. 03
- Discuss types of motivation. 05
- Explain about conflict resolution methods. 08
Q. 4.
- Discuss promotive and preventive mental health strategies. 06
- Explain different types of memories. 05
- Discuss the causes of forgetting. 05
Q. 5.
- Explain the laws of learning. 05
- Describe any theory of emotion. 05
- Concepts of mental health and mental hygiene. 06
6. Write short notes on (Any four): 4x4=16
- Projective tests.
- Methods to make learning effective.
- Psychological need of children.
- Ego defence mechanism.
- Stress and adaptation.