B.Sc. Nursing Part-II (Supp.) Examination November 2024 SOCIOLOGY
28-11-2024 5210
B.Sc. Nursing (Pt.-II)
B.Sc. Nursing Part-II (Supp.) Examination
November 2024
Time: Three Hours
Maximum Marks: 80
Attempt any FIVE questions.
All questions carry equal marks
Q. 1. Explain the social welfare programmes in India. Write the role of nurse in social welfare programmes. 16
Q. 2. Write the meaning and types of social stratification. Explain the Indian caste system. 16
Q. 3. Explain the Malthusian theory of population. Discuss the impact of urbanization of health and health practices. 16
Q. 4. Differentiate between (Any four): 4x4=16
- Society and community.
- in group and out group.
- Socialization and individualization.
- Conflict and competition.
- Caste and class.
Q. 5. Define family. Write the functions and types of family. Explain the factors influencing social changes. 16
Q. 6. Write an essay on the impact of diversity of culture on health practices. 16
Q. 7. Write short notes on (Any four): 4x4=16
- Nature of society.
- Application of sociology in nursing
- Social control.
- Child labour.
- Norms and values.