B.Sc. Nursing Part-li (Supp.) Examination November 2024 PHARMACOLOGY, PATHOLOGY & GENETICS

    03-12-2024                                                                                                                                                                    5230

   B.Sc. Nursing (Pt.-II)

B.Sc. Nursing Part-li (Supp.) Examination

November 2024


Time: Three Hours

Maximum Marks: 80

Question No. 4 of Section A and B both are compulsory

Attempt any TWO from rest of the questions in each section

(Use Separate Answer-Book for Each Section)

SECTION-A (Marks: 40)

Q. 1. Write short note on (Any three):                                                                                                     3X4=12

  1. Proton pump inhibitors
  2. Diuretics and antidiuretics
  4. Anti-hypertensive and vasodilators


Q. 2. Write briefly on (Any three):                                                                                                              3X4=12

  1. Histamines and Antihistamines
  2. Antidotes and Antivenom
  3. Anticonvulsants and Antidepressants
  4. Coagulants and Anti-coagulants

Q. 3. Write short note (Any three):                                                                                                             3X4=12

  1. Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
  2. Acidifiers and Alkalinizers
  3. Anti-tubercular drugs
  4. Vitamins

Q. 4. Enlist drugs used in heart failure and emergency. Describe role of nurse in the management of Digitalis Toxicity.     16

SECTION-B (Marks: 40)

Q. 1. Write short notes on (Any three):                                                                                                      3X4=12

  1. Mutation
  2. Huntington's disease
  3. Gene therapy
  4. Genetics counselling

Q. 2. Define term Wound Healing. Write in detail process of Wound Healing.                                                       12

Q. 3. Write short note (Any three):                                                                                                                      3X4=12

  1. Acute inflammation
  2. CSF Analysis
  3. Mechanism of Inheritance
  4. Infertility

Q. 4. Write briefly on:                                                                                                                                             4X4=16

  1. Ischemia
  2. Bronchiectasis
  3. Hepatitis 
  4.  Meningitis
