B.Sc. Nursing Part-III Examination July-2021 (Remaining exam of April-2021) MEDICAL SURGICAL NURSING-II
06-07-2021 5310
B.Sc. Nursing (Pt.-III)
B.Sc. Nursing Part-III Examination
July-2021 (Remaining exam of April-2021)
Maximum Marks: 80
Time: Three Hours
Attempt any FIVE Questions.
All questions carry equal marks
Q. 1.
- Define infertility. 02
- Enlist the assisted reproductive technologies. 06
- What do you mean by fertility preservation alongwith availability of fertility preservations options. 08
Q. 2. In RTA, a driver had injury on Lumbo-Sacral region:
- What was possible diagnosis for such case? 04
- Draw a assessment tool for such case. 04
- Write down the nursing care plan for such patient. 08
Q. 3. Write short notes on (Any four) 4X4=16
- Cosmetic surgeries.
- Movement disorders.
- Treatment modalities in cancer.
- Psychological aspects of ageing.
- Principles of critical care nursing.
Q. 4.
- Define glaucoma. 02
- State the causes & classification for glaucoma. 04
- Describe the medical & surgical management. 05
- Plan a post operative care for who had under gone eye surgery. 05
Q. 5.
- Define shock. 02
- Classify the types of shock. 03
- Explain the pathophysiology of shock. 06
- Discuss the emergency management of patient in shock. 05
Q. 6. Write short notes on (Any four): 4X4=16
- Rehydration therapy in burns.
- Role of triage nurse.
- Infection control protocols.
- Nurse role in EEG.
- Crisis intervention.