Tabular Presentation of Data
Tabular Presentation of Data-
In a tabular presentation, data are presented in rows (read horizontally) and columns (read vertically). The most important advantage of tabulation is that it organizes data for further statistical treatment and decision-making.
Classification used in tabulation is of four kinds-
- Qualitative
- Quantitative
- Temporal and
- Spatial
Qualitative -
When classification is done according to qualitative characteristics like social status, physical status, nationality, etc., it is called qualitative classification.
Quantitative classification –
In quantitative classification, the data are classified on the basis of characteristics which are quantitative in nature. In other words these characteristics can be measured quantitatively. For example, age, height, production, income, etc are quantitative characteristics. Classes are formed by assigning limits called class limits for the values of the characteristic under consideration.
Temporal classification-
In this classification time becomes the classifying variable and data are categorized according to time. Time may be in hours, days, weeks, months, years, etc.
Spatial classification-
When classification is done in such a way that place becomes the classifying variable, it is called spatial classification. The place may be a village/town, block, district, state, country, etc.