Paediatric Nursing Test - 10

1. Formation at swelling due to stagnation of fluid in the layers at scalp beneath the gridle of contact is
2. Wide-gap in the suture is
3. Andrea with suspected rheumatic fever is admitted to the pediatric unit. When obtaining the child's history, the nurse considers which information to be most important?
4. Nurse Liza is administering a medication via the intraosseous route to a child. Intraosseous drug administration is typically used when a child is:
5. When assessing a child's cultural background, the nurse in charge should keep in mind that:
6. While examining a 2-year-old child, the nurse in charge sees that the anterior fontanel is open. The nurse should:
7. The nurse is aware that the most common assessment finding in a child with ulcerative colitis is:
8. When developing a plan of care for a male adolescent, the nurse considers the child's psychosocial needs. During adolescence, psychosocial development focuses on:
9. When developing a plan care for a hospitalized child, nurse Mica knows that children in which age group are most likely to view illness as a punishment for misdeeds?
10. A female child, age 2, is brought to the emergency department after ingesting an unknown number of aspirin tablets about 30 minutes earlier. On entering the examination room, the child is crying and clinging to the mother. Which data should the nurse obtain first?
11. A female child, age 6, is brought to the health clinic for a routine checkup. To assess the child's vision, the nurse should ask:
12. To decrease the likelihood of bradyarrhythmias in children during endotracheal intubation, succinylcholine (Anectine) is used with which of the following agents?
13. A 1 year and 2-month-old child weighing 26 lb (11.8 kg) is admitted for traction to treat congenital hip dislocation. When preparing the patient's room, the nurse anticipates using which traction system?
14. The nurse collects a urine specimen preoperatively from a child with epispadias who is scheduled for surgical repair. When analyzing the results of the urinalysis, which should the nurse most likely expect to note?
15. Dystocia is-
16. Identify at risk infant from the following-
17. According to Erikson, the developmental task of toddlerhood is...
18. This period of development is characterized by mature body systems and refinement of fine and gross motor control, as evidenced by activities such as running, riding a tricycle, and drawing.
19. The primary cause of death during the adolescent years is...
20. Shivata. with suspected rheumatic fever. is admitted to the pediatric unit. When obtaining the child's history. the nurse considers which information to be most important?