Paediatric Nursing Test - 6

1. Nurse Liza is administering a medication via the intraosseous route to a child. Intraosseous drug administration is typically used when a child is:
2. When assessing a child's cultural background, the nurse in charge should keep in mind that:
3. While examining a 2-year-old child, the nurse in charge sees that the anterior fontanel is open. The nurse should:
4. The nurse is aware that the most common assessment finding in a child with ulcerative colitis is:
5. When administering an I.M. injection to an infant, the nurse in charge should use which site?
6. When developing a plan of care for a male adolescent, the nurse considers the child's psychosocial needs. During adolescence, psychosocial development focuses on:
7. A female child, age 2, is brought to the emergency department after ingesting an unknown number of aspirin tablets about 30 minutes earlier. On entering the examination room, the child is crying and clinging to the mother. Which data should the nurse obtain first?
8. A female child, age 6, is brought to the health clinic for a routine checkup. To assess the child's vision, the nurse should ask:
9. A 1 year and 2-month-old child weighing 26 lb (11.8 kg) is admitted for traction to treat congenital hip dislocation. When preparing the patient's room, the nurse anticipates using which traction system?
10. Mandy, age 12, is 7 months pregnant. When teaching parenting skills to an adolescent, the nurse knows that which teaching strategy is least effective?
11. When performing a physical examination on an infant, the nurse in charge notes abnormally low-set ears. This findings is associated with:
12. Nurse Raven should expect a 3-year-old child to be able to perform which action?
13. The nurse is evaluating a female child with acute poststreptoccocal glomerulonephritis for signs of improvement. Which finding typically is the earliest sign of improvement?
14. Dr. Smith prescribes corticosteroids for a child with nephritic syndrome. What is the primary purpose of administering corticosteroids to this child?
15. How should the nurse May prepare a suspension before administration?
16. What should be the initial bolus of crystalloid fluid replacement for a pediatric patient in shock?
17. Becky, age 5, with intelligence quotient of 65 is admitted to the hospital for evaluation. When planning care, the nurse should keep in mind that this child is:
18. Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is one of the most common causes of death in infants. At what age is the diagnosis of SIDS most likely?
19. A child is diagnosed with Wilms' tumor. During assessment, the nurse in charge expects to detect:
20. Which of the following would be inappropriate when administering chemotherapy to a child?