Psychiatric Nursing Test - 5

1. Mario is admitted to the emergency room with drug-included anxiety related to over ingestion of prescribed antipsychotic medication. The most important piece of information the nurse in charge should obtain initially is the:
2. Linda is pacing the floor and appears extremely anxious. The duty nurse approaches in an attempt to alleviate Linda’s anxiety. The most therapeutic question by the nurse would be?
3. Nurse Hazel is caring for a male client who experience false sensory perceptions with no basis in reality. This perception is known as:
4. Nurse Maureen is developing a plan of care for a female client with anorexia nervosa. Which action should the nurse include in the plan?
5. Nurse Claire is caring for a client diagnosed with bulimia. The most appropriate initial goal for a client diagnosed with bulimia is?
6. A neuromuscular blocking agent is administered to a client before ECT therapy. The Nurse should carefully observe the client for?
7. A long term goal for a paranoid male client who has unjustifiably accused his wife of having many extramarital affairs would be to help the client develop:
8. Nurse Benjie is communicating with a male client with substance-induced persisting dementia; the client cannot remember facts and fills in the gaps with imaginary information. Nurse Benjie is aware that this is typical of?
9. Nurse Joey is aware that the signs & symptoms that would be most specific for diagnosis anorexia are?
10. Which of the following would Nurse Hazel expect to assess for a client who is exhibiting late signs of heroin withdrawal?
11. When teaching parents about childhood depression Nurse Trina should say?
12. Nurse Tina is caring for a client with depression who has not responded to antidepressant medication. The nurse anticipates that what treatment procedure may be prescribed?
13. Nurse Monette recognizes that the focus of environmental (MILIEU) therapy is to:
14. A female client is admitted with a diagnosis of delusions of GRANDEUR. This diagnosis reflects a belief that one is:
15. A 60 year old female client who lives alone tells the nurse at the community health center “I really don’t need anyone to talk to”. The TV is my best friend. The nurse recognizes that the client is using the defense mechanism known as?
16. A client is experiencing anxiety attack. The most appropriate nursing intervention should include?
17. Nurse Monette is aware that extremely depressed clients seem to do best in settings where they have:
18. A 75 year old client is admitted to the hospital with the diagnosis of dementia of the Alzheimer’s type and depression. The symptom that is unrelated to depression would be?
19. A 39 year old mother with obsessive-compulsive disorder has become immobilized by her elaborate hand washing and walking rituals. Nurse Trish recognizes that the basis of O.C. disorder is often:
20. A male client is diagnosed with schizotypal personality disorder. Which signs would this client exhibit during social situation?