Dimensions of Health
Dimensions of Health-Health is multidimensional. (Holistic) Health- a sound mind, in a, sound body, in Health- a sound mind, in a, sound body, in sound family, in sound environment.sound family, in sound environment. Holistic. (whole) Approach.
Health is a multidimensional. There are three specific dimensions physical, mental and social. Some of important dimensions of health are as follows-
A. Physical Dimension - It is a very important component of health. The physical dimension of health refers to the bodily aspect of healthy. It is related to body structure and it's physiology. Physical health means perfect functioning of the body in which each organ is working in harmony with the health maximum capacity.
Some of the signs of physical well-being of a person are-
- A good complexion
- A good appetite
- Firm flesh
- Smooth, casy, coordinated body movements
- Well developed and firm muscles
- A clean skin
- Bright eyes
- Weight normal for height and age
- Not too fat
- Sound sleep
- A sweet breath
- Regular activities of bowels and bladder
B. Mental Dimension - Mental health is a vital component of total health. Mental health refers to the cognitive aspect of health. Mental health is a state of balance between body and mind. It is related to the mind and refers to normal functioning of mind not merely the absence of mental illness.
Characteristics of a Mentally Healthy Person
There are certain characteristics of a mentally healthy person:
- Mentally healthy person is free from internal conflicts.
- S/He is well adjusted.
- S/He searches for identity:
- S/He has strong sense of self esteem.
- S/He knows himself, needs, problems and goals.
- S/He has good self control.
- S/He faces problems and solves them intelligently.
Assessment of mental health can be done by mental status examination standardized tests such as adjustment scale, self esteem/self concept, ta solving ability, intelligent and personality test.
C. Social Dimension - The social dimension of health refers to our ability to make and maintain meaningful relationships with others. The social dimensions of health includes -
- Communication
- Respect
- Intimacy
- Equality
- Social functioning
D. Spiritual Dimension - Spiritual health relates to our sense of overall purpose in life. Spiritual, religious, beliefs and values are the important components of how a person behaves in the health. It includes-
- Love
- Principles
- Ethics
- Purpose
- Values Charity
E. Emotional Dimension -Emotional dimension is related to feelings of an individual. Even though closely associated with mental health, it is a separate entity from cognition.
F. Vocational Dimension - Vocational dimension is a part of human existence. The choice of profession, job satisfaction, career ambitions and personal performance are all important components of this dimension.
G. Other Dimensions
There are many non-medical dimensions of health. These dimensions symbolize a huge range of factors to which other sectors besides health must contribute if all people are indeed to attain a level of health that will permit them to lead a socially and economically productive life. The main other dimensions are-
- Philosophical dimensions
- Cultural dimensions
- Socio-economic dimensions
- Environmental dimensions
- Educational dimensions
- Nutritional dimensions
- Curative dimensions
- Preventive dimensions.