Psychiatric Nursing

Psychiatric Nursing

  • RUHS B.Sc. Nursing-1 Semester Main Examination November 2023

                       30-11-2023                                &nb...

    Added by mukesh
  • Mental illness

    Mental illness The definition of mental illness remains elusive and is usually based up on what constitutes socially accepted behavior norms. For example behavior tha...

    Added by imran
  • Factors Influencing Personality

    PERSONALITY To social scientists, personality is the sum total of behavior, attitudes, beliefs, and values that are characteristic of an individual. "Pe...

    Added by mukesh
  • Therapeutic Role of a Psychiatric Nurse

    Therapeutic Role of a Psychiatric Nurse- The roles of the nurse meet client and family needs, guide, assist, and teach, the client and family and provide an environmen...

    Added by mukesh
  • Post -Traumatic Stress Disorder

    ✔️Post -Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) - Post -Traumatic Stress Disorder is an intense sustained emotional response to a traumatic experience or natural or manmade d...

    Added by mukesh
  • Personality Defination ,Factors Influencing Personality

    DIEFINITION OF PERSONALITY - Personality is defined as the characteristic sets of behaviours, cognitions and emotional patterns that ev...

    Added by mukesh
  • Quality of A psychiatric Nurse

    A Psychiatric Nurse needs to have excellent interpersonal skills. They also need to be a great listener and know where the patient is coming...

    Added by mukesh
  • General Principals of Psychiatric Nursing

     General principles of Psychiatric Nursing- These principles are based on the concept that each individual has an intrinsic worth and dignity and has potenti...

    Added by mukesh
  • Misconception about Mental Illness

    Misconception about Mental Illness- There are still many myths floating around out there about mental illness, Some of them are:-   ...

    Added by mukesh
  • Defence Mechanism

    Definition- Defence mechanism and mental mechanisms are terms used to describe the unconscious attempt to obtain relief from emotional conflict or anxiety. Coping mechani...

    Added by mukesh
  • Mental Health and Characteristic of mentally Healthy person

    Mental Health-  It is a state of balance between the individual and the surrounding world, a state of harmony between oneself and others. Defini...

    Added by mukesh