Fundamentals of Nursing

Fundamentals of Nursing

  • Concept Of Health

    Introduction  The state of one's health is reflective of an individual's ability to meet life's challenges and maintain his or her capacity for optima...

    Added by mukesh
  • Pyrexia case study and Nursing Care Plan

    Pyrexia Health history 1. Bio...

    Added by mukesh
  • NURSING FOUNDATIONS I & II B Sc Nursing- II Semester Main Examination June-2024

    29-06-2024             B.Sc. Nursing- II Semester (Main) Examination June-2024               ...

    Added by mukesh
  • Bed Sores

     Bed Sores-Decubitus ulcer or bedsore or pressure ulcer is an ulceration sloughed area of tissue resulting from pressure, slowing of circ...

    Added by mukesh
  • Unconsciousness

    Consciousness  A state of awareness of yourself and your surroundings Ability to perceive sensory stimuli an...

    Added by mukesh
  • Critical Thinking

    Introduction Critical thinking involves recognizing that an issue (e.g., patient problem) exists, analyzing information about the is...

    Added by mukesh

    Theory-Nursing theory is a framework designed to organize knowledge and explain phenomena in nursing, at a more concrete and specific level. T...

    Added by mukesh

    Definition  Embalming is the art and science of preserving human body by treating them with chemicals to prevent decomp...

    Added by mukesh
  • Urinary Elimination

    Urine-Urine is composed of water, certain electrolytes, and various waste product that are filtered out of the blood system.

    Added by mukesh
  • Comfort Devices

    Comfort - Described as being physically & mentally at ease. Comfort is  a state of freedom  from pa...

    Added by mukesh
  • Nurse-Patient Relationship

    Definition of relationship-  It is defined as a state of being related or state affinity(liking) between two individuals. Examp...

    Added by mukesh
  • Patient Education

    Patient Education " The process of influencing patient behavior, producing changes in knowledge, attitudes, and skill r...

    Added by imran
  • Mobility and Immobility

    BODY MECHANICS Body Mechanics  is the utilization of correct muscles to complete a task safely and efficiently, without...

    Added by mukesh
  • Palliative Care

    Palliative Care Palliative care is a term derived from Latin palliare, "to cloak.“ Palliative care is...

    Added by mukesh
  • Machinery Equipment and Linen

    Machinery, Equipment and linen Machinery and equipments are essential and basic tools for hospital services, used on an ever...

    Added by mukesh
  • Autopsy/Post Mortem

    Autopsy- Post Mortem- Post---After   Mortem--Death Autopsy-   Auto--...

    Added by mukesh
  • Care of Terminally Ill

    Concept of Loss The fact or process of losing something or someone.           &nb...

    Added by mukesh
  • Stress

    Stress The word stress was originally used by Selyle in 1956 to describe the pressure experienced by a person in response to life de...

    Added by mukesh
  • Medical Abbreviations (Latin Abbreviations)

    Abbreviations in the context of drug prescriptions and other medical prescriptions is-

    Added by mukesh

    Definition An enema is an introduction of fluid into the lower bowel through the rectum for the purpose of cleansing or to i...

    Added by mukesh
  • Bowel wash or colonic lavage

    Bowel Wash Bowel wash or colonic lavage or enteroclysis is defined as washing out colon with large quantities of solution.

    Added by mukesh
  • Alterations in Urinary Elimination

    Alterations in urinary elimination- Polyuria- Production of abnormal lar...

    Added by mukesh
  • Factors Influencing Urinary Elimination

    Polyuria-Increased frequency of micturition Oliguria-Urine output is le...

    Added by mukesh
  • Bladder Irrigation

    Definition Bladder irrigation means to flush out the urinary bladder with a liquid. Bladder irrigation is defined...

    Added by mukesh
  • Urinary Catheterization

    Urinary Catheterization Catheterization of the urinary bladder is the insertion of a hollow tube through the urethra into the bladde...

    Added by mukesh
  • Mobility and Immobility

    Mobility  and Immobility Definition   Mobility ...

    Added by mukesh
  • Hospital Admission and Discharge

    Admission Definition   “Admission of a client means, allowing a client to stay in the hospital for observati...

    Added by mukesh
  • Rest and Sleep

    Definition-Polysomnography (PSG), a type of sleep study,is a multi-parameter study of sleep and a diagnostic tool in sleep medicine.

    Added by mukesh
  • Pain

    Pain The word "pain" originates from the Latin word 'Poena" meaning a fine or a penalty. Pa...

    Added by mukesh
  • Hand Hygiene

    Hands- the most common way transporting microorganisms, & subsequently causing infection in patients seeking medical advice/care in h...

    Added by mukesh
  • Biomedical waste Management

    Biomedical Waste Management  Definition- "Waste generat...

    Added by mukesh
  • Sterilization

    Sterilization-  Definition - Sterilization is the proce...

    Added by mukesh
  • बिस्तर बनाने (Bed making)

    अस्पताल में प्रयुक्त होने वाले पलंग घरों में प्रयुक्त किये जाने वाले पलंगों से भिन्न होते हैं। इनका आकार एवं उपयोग का तरीका जैसे पलंग का मोडना, ऊपर उठाना आदि भी अलग होते हैं। अस्पताल में उपयोग म...

    Added by mukesh
  • Asepsis

    Asepsis- Freedom from disease-causing microorganisms. "The term asepsis means the absence of disease-producing mic...

    Added by mukesh
  • Nosocomial Infection

    Nosocomial Infection-Nosocomial infections known also as hospital-acquired infections, hospital-associated infections that are not present in ...

    Added by mukesh

    Definition Infection Control- Identifying and reducing the risk of infectio...

    Added by mukesh

    Inventory  In health care system, material management is concerned with providing the drugs, supplies and equipment nee...

    Added by mukesh

    Blood Pressure-Blood pressure (BP) is the pressure of circulating blood against the walls of blood vessels. Most of this pressure results from...

    Added by mukesh

    Respiration - Respiration is the process that brings oxygen into the body and removes carbon dioxide  waste. the exchange occur...

    Added by mukesh

    Vital signs Vital signs are the important part of assessment of the patient as these provide the baseline data about the condition a...

    Added by mukesh

     Hot application- Hot application is the application of a hot agent, warmer than skin either in a moist or dry form on ...

    Added by mukesh

    Definition  Cold application is the application of cold agent, cooler than skin either in a moist or dry form on the su...

    Added by mukesh
  • Heat Exhaustion

    Heat Exhaustion Definition  "Heat exhaustion is a he...

    Added by mukesh
  • Hypothermia

    Definition- "If the temperature falls below 95°F or 35°F called hypothermia." Hypothermia is de...

    Added by mukesh

    PYREXIA-Body temperature is the degree of hotness or coldness of a body.  Pyrexia -Greek- pyr meaning ...

    Added by mukesh
  • Documentation

    Documentation The term “documentation” refers to“any writtenor electronically generated information abouta...

    Added by mukesh

    Definition-  “The ethical principle or legal right that a physician or other health professional will hold secret...

    Added by mukesh
  • Reports

    Reports A report is a document that presents information in an organized format for a specific audience and purpose.

    Added by mukesh
  • Records

    Records Definitions- "A record is a permanant written communication that documents informati...

    Added by mukesh
  • Communication

    The word “communication” is derived from the Latin “communis,” meaning “to share,”  The origin of the word communication is fr...

    Added by mukesh
  • Code of Ethics

    Concept of Ethics The word ethics is the derivative of the Greek word "ethos," which refers to "character." Acco...

    Added by mukesh
  • Nursing

    The word Nursing  comes from the Latin  word "nutrix" meaning to "nourish or cherish"  Nursing is a profession within the health car...

    Added by mukesh
  • Nurse

    Meaning The word 'Nurse originated from Latin word "Nutrix meaning 'to nourish. The Literal meaning of the word 'NU...

    Added by mukesh

     HOSPITAL The word “hospital “derived from the Latin word hospitalis which in turn derived from french word “...

    Added by mukesh
  • Levels of prevention 

    Levels of prevention  Definitions "Activities designed to pr...

    Added by mukesh

    PRIMARY HEALTH CARE- Primary Health Care (PHC) is usually associated with the declaration of the 1978 International Conference in Al...

    Added by mukesh

    ILLNESS “Illness is a condition characterized by a deviation from a normal health state which is manifested by physica...

    Added by mukesh
  • Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

    Maslow's hierarchy theory of basic needs of human being. Maslow's hierarchy of needs was first introduced Abraham Maslow's in, 1943.There are five main levels to maslow's hierarc...

    Added by mukesh
  • Dimensions of Health

    Dimensions of Health-Health is multidimensional. (Holistic) Health- a sound mind, in a, sound body, in Health- a sound mind, in a, sound ...

    Added by mukesh
  • Concepts of Health

     Definition of health The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as a “state of complete physical, mental, and so...

    Added by mukesh
  • Health and Determinants of Health

    Health According to the World Health Organization, health is “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and n...

    Added by mukesh
  • Electroencephalography

    INTRODUCTION Electroencephalogram (EEG) is a test that detects electrical activity in your brain using small metal discs attached to...

    Added by mukesh
  • Stress test

    INTRODUCTION Stress test is a non-invasive procedure to evaluate cardiovascular status of patient who is suffering from cardiac dise...

    Added by mukesh
  • Bed Making

    DEFINITION Bed making is the technique of preparing different types of bed to promote comfort to the patients/client or provide a su...

    Added by mukesh
  • Various Position of the Patient

    Position  of the Patient  Various positions are provided in order to give better care and treatment for examining patients...

    Added by mukesh
  • Important Nursing Image base Questions with Rationale

    Nursing Image base Questions with Rationale Q.1. In below Video which of the following procedure is done-

    Added by mukesh

    AIIMS DELHI NURSING OFFICER  EXAMINATION PAPER QUESTION 2020 Q-1 Nursing care for a patient with an arteriovenous (AV) Fistula aimed at maintaining patency includes?

    Added by mukesh
  • Important Nursing Image base Questions with Rationale

    Important Nursing Image base Questions selected from Previous Nursing Exam Papers Q-1 Name of the below given instrument that is mainly used in gynecology-

    Added by mukesh
  • About Florence Nightingale Important question with Rational

    Q 1.Florence Nightingale was born in which Country? Rational- Florence Nightingale was born into an upper-class British family in Florence, Italy on the 12 May 1820.

    Added by mukesh
  • Temperature

    Temperature- " Body temperature may be defined as the degree of heat maintained by the body." "

    Added by mukesh
  • Nursing process

    Nursing process- Nursing process is a systematic method of providing care to clients. ...

    Added by mukesh
  • Enteral Tube Feedings

    Enteral Tube Feedings- Enteral nutrition, also known as tube feeding, is a way of delivering nutrition dir...

    Added by mukesh

    Sitz Bath It is a local application of moist heat to the pelvic organ. The patient is usually immersed from the mid-thigh liac crest...

    Added by mukesh
  • Arterial and Venous Blood Gases

    A Blood gas test or blood gas analysis tests blood to measure blood gas tension values. It also measure blood PH ,and the level and  base excess of bicarbonate.    ...

    Added by mukesh
  • General Criteria for Brain Death

     Brain death is defined as the irreversible loss of all functions of the brain, including the brainstem. The three essential findings in brain death are coma, absence of brainstem r...

    Added by mukesh
  • Artifical Airways

    Artifical Airways Care of the Patient with an Artificial Airway. Care of the Patient with an Artificial Airway. An artificial airway is a tube inserted in the ...

    Added by mukesh