Pyrexia case study and Nursing Care Plan

Health history

1. Biographic data/Identification data/ Patient profile

  • Name-Kamal
  • Address-A-350 Ambedkar Nagar Alwar
  • Gender-Male
  • Age-36 years
  • Marital status-Married
  • Occupation- Businessman
  • Rligion- Hindu
  • Education- Graduate
  • Nationality-Indian
  • Family Income-500000/yr.
  • Ward No.-10(Male Medical Ward)
  • Date of Admission-20 May 2024
  • Diagnosis- Hyperthermia/Pyrexia

2.Chief Complains

  • Patient say "I am suffering from fever since 5 days and with burning sensation in my eyes, body ache and irritability"

3.History of Present Illness-

  • My patient/Client Mr. kamal of age 36 years is suffering from hyperthermia since 5 days.
  • Present Surgical history- No present surgical history

  4. Past Medical History-

  • Medical history-No past medical history
  • Past surgical history- No past surgical history

   5. Family History

  • He is main brad owner of family
  • Family's pure Vegetarian and have balanced diet during day.
  • His mother and wife bath are house wife.
  • He has a girle child.

  Family tree-

  • Note- Make the family tree according to alloted client.  

 7.  Socio economic Status-

  • Mr. Kamal is 36 yrs old married person
  • He is businessman
  • Family is pure vegetarian and have balance diet during day.
  • His mother and wife both are housewife.
  • His income is 500000/yr.
  • The surrounding are of his house is clean and pollution free.
  • There is proper supply of water and electricity at his house.

   8. Personal History.

  • Mr. kamal was well nourished previously to the condition of pyrexia.
  • He use handle his body with care.i.e,no hair problem etc.
  • He was suffered from the insomnia condition.

   9. Nutritional History

  • The family is pure vegitarian.
  • He used not to take well balanced diet before condition of pyrexia.
  • He can take nutritional by intravenous drips i.e glucose, ringar lactose etc.

    General examination

   1. General Appearance

  • Nourishment-Under Nourished
  • Body build- Healthy(According to BMI)
  • Health-Un healthy( due to pyrexia)
  • Activity- Dull(tired)

  2. Mental status

  • Consciousness- Conscious
  • Look-Anxious


  • Body curve- Altered
  • Movement-Altered body movement       

   4. Height-5.6


  5. Skin condition

  • Colour-Pallor
  • Texure-Dryness
  • Temperature-Warm(103.f/39.4C)
  • Lesion- No evidence found

   6. Head and Face

  • Cleanliness- Not observed in clean status.
  • Condition of hair- Normal colour hair.
  • Dandruff- No evidence found.
  • Pedicule- No evidence found.


  • Flushed- Yes
  • Puffiness- Yes
  • Fatigue-No
  • Pain- Yes
  • Fear- Yes
  • Anxiety-Yes
  • Enlargement of parotid glands- No evidence found.

  7. Eye

  • Eyebrow- Normal
  • Eyelashes- Noraml
  • Eyelids- Dry
  • Eye balls- Burning sensation in eyes
  • Conjuctiva- Pale
  • Sclera- No evidence found.
  • Cornea and Iris- Noraml
  • Puplis- Noraml reaction of light
  • Lens- Normal
  • Fundus- Normal
  • Eye muscles- Normal working
  • Vision- Normal

   8. Ears

  • External ear- Normal
  • Tympanic membrane- Normal
  • Hearing- Altered hearing

    9. Nose 

  • External Nose- Dry
  • Nostrils- Normal

   10. Mouth and Pharynx

  • Lips- lips skin layer is dry and rough/cracked
  • Odour of the mouth-Normal
  • Teeth- Teeth are 32 in number and are gums free and cavity free with no dental caries.
  • Mucus membrane and gume- Normal
  • Tongue-Normal
  • Throat and Pharynx- Sore throat

    11. Neck 

  • Lymph node- No sweeling observed
  • Thyroid gland- No sweeling observed
  • Range of motion- Altered because of pyrexia due to jont pain.

    12. Chest

  •  Thorax- Shape- Noraml
  •  Symmetry- Normal
  •  Posture- Normal
  •  Brath sound- Heart, Tachypnea
  •  Heart- Palpation felt, pulse rate increas
  • Size and location- Appropriate observed

   13. Abdomen

  • Observation- No any alteration found
  • Ascultation- No any alteration found
  • Palpation - No any alteration found
  • Percussion- No any alteration found

  14. Extremities-

  • Normal both extremities
  • Joint pain due to pyrexia

  15. Back- Backache

  16. Genitalis and Rectum-

  • No abnormality observed.

  17.Neurological test

  • Co-ordination test- ALtered co-ordination.
  • Equillibrium test- Normal


Complet Blood Count (CBC)

Note- Write down other investigations as per written in case sheet.


Medication name  Type of Administration  Dose Remark's 
1.Paracetamol  Oral 500 mg  
2. Ofloxacin Oral 200 mg  
3. ORS Oral 2-4 litres  

Note-Write other medications written in the Case file/Client file.
      Nursing Care Plan 

S/N Assessment  Diagnosis Goal Planning Implementation Expect out come
  • Subject Data
   The client says I fell that my body temperature has increased.
  • Objecctive data 
  By observation and checking vital signs. I found that there is increase in body temperature.
Altered body temperature related to infection as evidance by raised in body temperature To maintain normal body Temperature 
  • To assess the patient condition
  • To assess the vital signs
  • To  provide medicine as prescribed by physician
  • Provided calm and quite environment
  • To restrict visitor.
  • To assessed the patient condition.
  • To assessed vital signs.
  • To provided medicine as prescribed by physician
  • Provided calm and quite environment
  • Restricted to visitors.
 The temperature of body will be maintain

Subject Data-

The client says "I fell discomfort this raise in body temperature irritate a lot.

Objecctive data-

By observation and checking vital sign I found patient is fatigue.

Alteration comfort related to uneasiness due to hyperthermia To provide comfort to the patient
  • To relax the patient.
  • To reduce anxiety of patient
  • To reduce body temperature
  • To improve the condition of pyrexia.
  • He may co-operate in planning care.
  • Assessment is done
  • Psychological support provided
  • Cool and calm free environment is provided
  • Ani-pyretic medication provided.
  • Health education provided.
The patient will feel relaxed.

Subject Data-

The client says  I fell dryness body.

Objecctive data-

By Observation and checking vital signs I found fluid volume deficit

Fluid volume deficit related to dehydration due to fever as evidence by skin turgidity. To maintain fluid status in body
  • To prevent dry lips due to dehydration
  • To maintain fluid and electricity balance
  • To prevent dehydration
  • To maintain body fluid volume
  • Encourage oral fluid intake unless contraindicated by vomiting or altered mental status.
  • Patient will get diverted from his present condition and will fell good.
  • Mucous shoothing jelly or ointment provide
  • Planty of oral fluide provided.
  • liquid diet planned.
  • IV fluid provided.
  • Oral fluid intake maintained. 
  • Divertional therapy provided
Fluide volume and electrolytic will under control.

Subject Data-

The client says I fell disconfort

Objecctive data-By observation I found it may be due to disconfort        

Risk for injury related to uneasiness and disconfort To prevent from injury
  • To  relax the patient
  • To reduce anxiety  of patient
  • To provide health education
  • To prevent risk of injury
  • Calm and Quite  environment provided
  • Noxious stimulation avoided
  • Counselling given to patient
  • Haramful equipment are removed.
Patient will fell comfort and easiness.

   Health education

  • Take full course of  Antibotics, even if fully recovered.
  • Get lot of rest and sleeping.
  • Smoking cessation if applicable.
  • Drinking planty of fluids, including water, juices and soup and eating fruits to prevent dehydration.
  • Practice good hand wasing technoque.
  • Eating small, frequent meals to help prevent vomiting if occuring.
  • Avoide cross contamination of food.
  • Wash fruits and vegitables thoroughly.
  • Educate the patient to report dehydration, bleeding and recurrence of symptoms
