Nursing Education/Adm./Research Test - 3

1. Purpose, Process, Person, and Place (4P's) are identified as the basis for-
2. The bias that occurs due to the nonparticipators Observation is known as-
3. Which is the supreme authority in our country?
4. Which of the subordinate court deals with civil cases-
5. The Legislative Council at State legislature is known as-
6. Which subordinate office lay and enforce a standard of drugs-
7. What is the main function of National Centre of Disease Control-
8. What is the population coverage of Urban Community Health Centre of Metro cities-
9. Which committee is headed by Dr JS Bajai-
10. Under whose chairmanship, Planning Commission formulated Five-Year Plans in India-
11. During which Five-Year Plan, the National Malaria Control Programme was initiated for the first time-
12. The aim of to launch Affordable Medicines and Reliable Implants for Treatment (AMRIT) programme is-
13. When did control of Acute Respiratory Infection Programme start-
14. When did revised National Tuberculosis Programme with DOTS introduce as pilot project in our country-
15. Which of the following health committee recommended one primary health center for 40,000 populations-
16. The term “core competency,” was coined by which of the following influential business thinkers-
17. Which type of managers are responsible for reporting to middle managers?
18. Which type of issues are first level managers routinely influenced by-
19. A manager who possesses knowledge of the processes, equipment, and potential problems of an industry would possess what type of managerial skill-
20. Which management principle states that orders and instructions should flow down from top to bottom or from a higher level manager to a lower one-