Previous Exam Questions Test - 1

1. The nurse is examining an 8 years old boy with tachycardia and tachypnoea. Which one of these non invasive tests can determine the extent of hypoxia?
2. The nurse is examining an 8 years old boy with tachycardia and tachypnoea. Which one of these non invasive tests can determine the extent of hypoxia?
3. Which measure would be most appropriate for the nurse to do to ensure that a child’s ET tube is correctly positioned?
4. The nurse is caring for a child who is taking corticosteroids for systemic Lupus erythematosus. The nurse carefully monitors child’s condition because the nurse is aware that corticosteroids can have what major action?
5. A nurse has just administered medication via orogastric tube. What is the priority nursing action following nursing action?
6. An 8 years old girl was diagnosed with a closed fracture of the radius at approximately 2 PM. The fracture was reduced in the emergency room and her arm placed in a cast. At 11 PM her mother brought her back to the emergency room due to unrelenting pain that has not been relieved by the prescribed narcotics. What should the nurse do first?
7. The nurse has applied EMLA cream as ordered. How does the nurse assess that cream has achieved its purpose?
8. The parents of a 2 day old girl baby are concerned because her feet and hands are slightly blue. How should the nurse respond?
9. The nurse is caring for a child who is experiencing acute renal transplant rejection. Which of the following most accurately describes the expected side effects associated with the first dose of muromonab-CD3?
10. The ethical principle which shows obligation to tell the truth is-
11. Acknowledging the performance of an employee is through the way of-
12. Professional negligence is legally termed as-
13. Babinsky sign is considered as normal in-
14. Movement of an extremity away from the body midline is called-
15. “Tracheostomy” is usually performed between the tracheal rings of cartilage of
16. The study of distribution and determinants of the disease is called-
17. Patient whose life is threatened and who is comatose is assumed to give what kind of consent for life sustaining treatment.
18. Life style modification is an example for-
19. BCG vaccine is given-
20. Hydramnios is a condition where there is excess volume of