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Midwifery Nursing Test - 14
Midwifery Nursing
Test - 14
1. At term uterus weight is-
900-1000 gm
600-700 kg
400-500 gm
200-300 gm
2. Characteristic hormone of the placenta is-
Chorionic gonadotropin
3. Oxygenated blood from placenta goes to foetal heart via-
Foramen ovale
Ductus venosus
Umbilical mastery
Ductus arteriosus
4. After the birth of the baby formen ovale closes and it becomes....................
Ductus venosus
Fossa ovalis
Ductus arteriosus
Ligamentum venosum
5. Communication between umbilical vein and inferior vena cava in fetal circulation is known as..........
Ductus venous
Ductus arteriosus
Fossa ovalis
Foramen ovale
6. Communication between aorta and pulmonary artery in fetal circulation is known as........
Ductus venosus
Ductus arteriosus
Fossa ovalis
Foramen ovale
7. Communication between right and left atrium in fetal circulation is known as.......
Ductus venosas
Ductus arteriosus
Fossa ovalis
Foramen ovale
8. The amount of fetal blood flow per minute through the placenta at term is.........
500-600 ml
100-200 ml
200-300 ml
300-400 ml
9. Submentobregmatic diameter measures about......
11.5 cm
14 cm
10 cm
9.5 cm
10. Mento-vertical diameter measures about.......
13.5 cm
9.5 cm
11.5 cm
10 cm
11. Identify the correct statement regarding posterior fontanelle......
Triangular in shape
It generally closes in 6-8 weeks from birth
It is formed by two sutures or three bones
All of the above
12. Soft spot in the skull in between the sutures is known as.........
13. The amount of elemental iron in one iron tablet for mother is....
60 g
50 mg
50 g
60 mg
14. A Nurse is caring for a 20-year-old pregnant client. The client is taking an iron supplement. What should this client drink to increase the absorption of iron?
glass of orange juice
Antacid solution
A glass of milk
cup of hot coffee
15. The appropriate gestational week to carry out chorionic villus biopsy for prenatal diagnosis is-
12 to 14 weeks
8 to 10 weeks
10 to 12 weeks
6 to 8 weeks
16. Nuchal translucency screening should be done between-
11 to 14 weeks of pregnancy
14-18 weeks of pregnancy
20 to 22 weeks of pregnancy
6 to 10 weeks of pregnancy
17. The purpose of speculum examination is to-
Diagnose infections
Study the cervical lesions
Diagnose premature leaking liquor
All of the above
18. Identify the incorrect statement regarding immunization in pregnant woman-
Immunization against tetanus can be given
Live vaccines are contraindicated in pregnancy
Tetanus immunization protect both mother and baby
3 dose of tetanus one in each trimester is recommended
19. Which of the following vaccine is contraindicated in pregnancy-
All of the above
20. At 12th weeks of gestation amniotic fluid measure about...........
40 ml
70 ml
80 ml
60 ml