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Midwifery Nursing Test - 4
Midwifery Nursing
Test - 4
1. A client in the first trimester of pregnancy arrives at a health care clinic and reports that she has been experiencing vaginal bleeding. A threatened abortion is suspected, and the nurse instructs the client regarding management of care. Which statement, if made by the client, indicates a need for further education?
“I will count the number of perineal pads used on a daily basis and note the amount and color of blood on the pad.”
“I will avoid sexual intercourse until the bleeding has stopped, and for 2 weeks following the last evidence of bleeding.”
“I will maintain strict bedrest throughout the remainder of pregnancy.”
“I will watch for the evidence of the passage of tissue.”
2. Which of the following answers best describes the stage of pregnancy in which maternal and fetal blood are exchanged?
9 weeks’ gestation, when the fetal heart is well developed
32-34 weeks gestation
maternal and fetal blood are never exchanged
3. A pregnant client calls the clinic and tells a nurse that she is experiencing leg cramps and is awakened by the cramps at night. To provide relief from the leg cramps, the nurse tells the client to:
Dorsiflex the foot while flexing the knee when the cramps occur
Plantar flex the foot while flexing the knee when the cramps occur
Plantar flex the foot while extending the knee when the cramps occur.
Dorsiflex the foot while extending the knee when the cramps occur
4. A prenatal nurse is providing instructions to a group of pregnant client regarding measures to prevent toxoplasmosis. Which statement if made by one of the clients indicates a need for further instructions?
“I need to avoid contact with materials that are possibly contaminated with cat feces.”
“I need to cook meat thoroughly.”
“I need to avoid touching mucous membranes of the mouth or eyes while handling raw meat.”
“I need to drink unpasteurized milk only.”
5. Which of the following conditions is common in pregnant women in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy?
Metabolic alkalosis
Respiratory acidosis
Physiologic anemia
6. A 21-year old client, 6 weeks’ pregnant is diagnosed with hyperemesis gravidarum. This excessive vomiting during pregnancy will often result in which of the following conditions?
Pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH)
Electrolyte imbalance
Bowel perforation
7. A pregnant woman’s last menstrual period began on April 8, 2005, and ended on April 13. Using Naegele’s rule her estimated date of birth would be:
July 1, 2006
November 5, 2005
January 15, 2006
January 20, 2006
8. The nurse is aware than an adaptation of pregnancy is an increased blood supply to the pelvic region that results in a purplish discoloration of the vaginal mucosa, which is known as:
Chadwick’s sign
Hegar’s sign
Goodell’s sign
Ladin’s sign
9. A nurse is reviewing the record of a client who has just been told that a pregnancy test is positive. The physician has documented the presence of a Goodell’s sign. The nurse determines this sign indicates:
The presence of hCG in the urine
The presence of fetal movement
A soft blowing sound that corresponds to the maternal pulse during auscultation of the uterus.
A softening of the cervix
10. The antagonist for magnesium sulfate should be readily available to any client receiving IV magnesium. Which of the following drugs is the antidote for magnesium toxicity?
Hydralazine (Apresoline)
Calcium gluconate
11. A nurse midwife is performing an assessment of a pregnant client and is assessing the client for the presence of ballottement. Which of the following would the nurse implement to test for the presence of ballottement?
Auscultating for fetal heart sounds
Palpating the abdomen for fetal movement
Initiating a gentle upward tap on the cervix
Assessing the cervix for thinning
12. The nurse recognizes that an expected change in the hematologic system that occurs during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy is:
A decrease in sedimentation rate
An increase in blood volume
A decrease in WBC’s
In increase in hematocrit
13. The developing cells are called a fetus from the:
Time the fetal heart is heard
End of the send week to the onset of labor
Implantation of the fertilized ovum
Eighth week to the time of birth
14. Which of the following symptoms occurs with a hydatidiform mole?
Benign tumors found in the smooth muscle of the uterus
“Snowstorm” pattern on ultrasound with no fetus or gestational sac
Fetal cardiac motion after 6 weeks gestation
Heavy, bright red bleeding every 21 days
15. A nurse is providing instructions to a client in the first trimester of pregnancy regarding measures to assist in reducing breast tenderness. The nurse tells the client to:
Wear tight-fitting blouses or dresses to provide support
Wash the nipples and areola area daily with soap, and massage the breasts with lotion.
Avoid wearing a bra
Wash the breasts with warm water and keep them dry
16. A nurse is describing the process of fetal circulation to a client during a prenatal visit. The nurse accurately tells the client that fetal circulation consists of:
Arteries carrying oxygenated blood to the fetus
Two umbilical arteries and one umbilical vein
Two umbilical veins and one umbilical artery
Veins carrying deoxygenated blood to the fetus
17. The pituitary hormone that stimulates the secretion of milk from the mammary glands is:
18. In a lecture on sexual functioning, the nurse plans to include the fact that ovulation occurs when the:
Blood level of LH is too high
Endometrial wall is sloughed off.
Oxytocin is too high
Progesterone level is high
19. Nutritional planning for a newly pregnant woman of average height and weighing 145 pounds should include:
An increase of 500 calories a day
An increase of 300 calories a day
A maintenance of her present caloric intake per day
A decrease of 200 calories a day
20. Clients with gestational diabetes are usually managed by which of the following therapies?
Oral hypoglycemic drugs and insulin
Oral hypoglycemic drugs
NPH insulin (long-acting)