Paediatric Nursing Test - 13

1. Initially the mother should feed the baby at least-
2. The initial feeding should last for-
3. Which of the statements is true about breastfeeding-
4. The benefit of breastfeeding is-
5. Which of these medications should be avoided while breast feeding-
6. The modern concept of paediatrics means-
7. What is the best and most accurate method of measuring the medication dosage for infants and children-
8. At what age does a child normally develop social smile' milestone-
9. Brain growth is at its maximum during ....................
10. Crawling of an infant occurs at-
11. Expected weight of one year child, when the birth weight is 3.5 kg.
12. Maximum absolute growth is seen at-
13. A per Erik Erikson's stages of development child take decision at the age of........
14. According to Erickson's psychosocial theory, what is the developmental task of a toddler?
15. Babinski sign is considered as normal in-
16. What is the most common complication for which a nurse must monitor preterm infant?
17. Which is the indicator of immediate estimate of the physical condition of the baby?
18. In the term APGAR 'G 'stands for-
19. Apgar score system contains all of the following criteria EXCEPT-
20. Which of the following is not a component of Apgar score-