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Psychiatric Nursing Test - 14
Psychiatric Nursing
Test - 14
1. What is the average mortality rate with ECT (modified)?
10-25 per 100,000
50-60 per 1000,00
3-4 per 100,000
10-20 per 10,000
2. What is considered as the gold standard for confirmation of seizure in ECT?
Electroencephalography (EEG)
Electromyogram (EMG)
Cuff method
Galvanic Skin Response (GSR)
3. Which of the following drugs is associated with lower seizure thresholds when administering ECT?
4. The first therapeutic use of electrically induced seizures in the treatment of mental disorders is related to
D. Goldman
Luigi Bini and Ugo Cerletti
Harold Sackeim
G. Holmberg and S. Thesieff
5. The meaning of remission is-
The disease is present but the person does not experience symptom
The symptoms re-appear
The person is clinically cured
The severity of disease increase
6. A tentative prediction or explanation or an educational guess of the relationship between two or more variables is called
Continuous variables
7. Virtual memory is used for ?
An extremely large main memory
A type of memory used in supercomputers
An illusion of extremely large main memory
An extremely large secondary memory
8. A client with late moderate stage dementia has been admitted to a long-term care facility. Which of the following nursing interventions will help the client to maintain optimal cognitive function-
Watch and discuss the evening news with the client.
Provide the client with a written list of daily activities.
Do word games or crossword puzzles with the client.
Discuss pictures of children and grandchildren with the client.
9. Which of the following interventions is most appropriate in helping a client with early-stage dementia complete activities of daily living (ADLs)-
Provide the client with a written list of all the steps needed to complete ADLs.
Plan to provide step-by-step prompting to complete the ADLs.
Allow enough time for the client to complete ADLs as independently as possible
Tell the client to finish ADLs before breakfast or the nursing assistant will do them.
10. A client with delirium is attempting to remove the in-travenous tubing from his arm, saying to the nurse, Get off me! Go away!” The client is experiencingwhich of the following?
11. Which of the following statements by the caregiver of a client newly diagnosed with dementia requires further intervention by the nurse-
I will encourage Mother to talk about her friends and family
I will remind Mother of things she has forgotten.
I will keep Mother busy with favorite activities as long as she can participate.
I will try to find new and different things to do every day.
12. The nurse has been teaching a caregiver about donepe-zil (Aricept). The nurse knows that teaching has been effective by which of the following statements-
This medication will slow the progress of Alzheimer’s disease temporarily.
It will be eager to see if this medication makes any improvement in concentration.
It is important to take this medication on an emptystomach.
Let’s hope this medication will stop the Alzheimer’s disease from progressing any further.
13. The nurse is talking with a woman who is worried that her mother has Alzheimer’s disease. The nurse knows that the first sign of dementia is-
Variable with different people
Inability to perform self-care tasks without assistance
Disorientation to person, place, or time
Memory loss that is more than ordinary forgetfulness
14. The nurse recognizes which of the following as a common behavioral sign of autism-
Indifference to being hugged or held
Clinging behavior toward parents
Creative imaginative play with peers
Early language development
15. An effective nursing intervention for the impulsive and aggressive behaviors that accompany conduct disorder is-
Negotiation of rules
Open expression of feelings
Assertiveness training
Consistent limit setting
16. Which of the following is used to treat enuresis-
Olanzapine (Zyprexa)
Risperidone (Risperdal)
Imipramine (Tofranil)
Methylphenidate (Ritalin)
17. Which of the following is normal adolescent behavior-
Unwillingness to assume greater autonomy
Critical of self and others
Defiant, negative, and depressed behavior
Frequent hypochondriacal complaints
18. The nurse would expect to see all the following symptoms in a child with ADHD except-
Excessive running, climbing, and fidgeting
Moody, sullen, and pouting behavior
Interrupts others and can’t take turns
Easily distracted and forgetful
19. Teaching for methylphenidate (Ritalin) should include which of the following-
Give the medication after meals
Increase the child’s fluid intake when he or she istaking the medication
Take the child’s temperature daily
Give the medication when the child becomes overactive
20. A child is taking pemoline (Cylert) for ADHD. The nurse must be aware of which of the following side effects-
Elevated liver function tests
Elevated white blood cell count
Decreased thyroid-stimulating hormone
Decreased red blood cell count