Psychiatric Nursing Test - 21

1. Medications that affect psychic function are-
2. Exclude the antidepressant drug from the following-
3. Signs and symptoms of lithium toxicity include-
4. Usual range of lithium dose in the treatment of Mania is-
5. Contraindications of lithium are-
6. ………………indicates lithium toxicity.
7. Benzodiazepines reduce anxiety by acting on which neurotransmitter-
8. Which of the following drug needs a WBC level checked periodically-
9. A schizophrenia patient who is on Haloperidol for one week exhibits muscular spasms and involuntary movements of neck and jaw. The nurse interprets these findings as-
10. Atypical antipsychotics include-
11. The treatment of choice for extra-Pyramidal symptom such as tardive dyskinesia is to-
12. Which of the following receptors are blocked by tricyclic antidepressants
13. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include while imparting health education to a patient who has been prescribed lithium?
14. Systematic desensitization consists of the following steps, except-
15. Which of the following is a technique used in hypnosis-
16. The theory of operant conditioning was proposed by-
17. Which of the following is a specialized type of group therapy-
18. Relaxation therapies include all, except-
19. Behaviour therapy techniques include all, except-
20. Who developed the psychoanalytic theory-